The Baby, also known as Baby Abbott, is the son of Lee and Evelyn; the brother of Regan, Marcus, and Beau; and was born during a Death Angel attack on the Abbott household.
Death Angels invasion[]
Early life[]
Baby Abbott was conceived by Evelyn and Lee sometime between late 2020 and early 2021.
Day 473[]
Baby Abbott was born on October 3, 2021, in the Abbott household bathroom after Evelyn's water broke a few weeks from the due date. He briefly met his father, Lee, before Lee sacrificed himself to save Regan and Marcus from a Death Angel.
Day 474[]
After Marcus and Regan reunited with Evelyn, a Death Angel made its way into the Abbott household basement. Baby Abbott was held by Marcus as the weakness of the Death Angels (high-frequency sounds) was revealed by Regan. Evelyn then used a shotgun to kill the creature. As more made their way towards the house, Regan and Evelyn readied themselves for them.
Baby Abbott was soon carried away from the house in a soundproof crib by Regan and Marcus, being supplied with oxygen as to not attract the Death Angels. They soon encountered Emmett, a friend of the Abbotts that they had known before the invasion began.
Day 476[]
Eventually, Evelyn left Emmett's base, an abandoned factory, to get supplies for Marcus' bear trap wound and more oxygen for the bay. During this time, Marcus was left in charge of the baby. Baby Abbott nearly suffocated to death with Marcus when a Death Angel entered the factory and Marcus panicked and ran into a furnace bunker with him. Evelyn soon returned and managed to distract the creature long enough for her to save the lives of her sons.
Day 477[]
Evelyn, Marcus, and the baby shared the single oxygen tank while they were forced to remain hidden inside the bunker. Evelyn exited the bunker, but quickly discovered that the creature was still near and ran back inside. However, she was unable to get the door closed and the creature reached inside in an attempt to grab them, but only managed to claw at Evelyn’s leg. As the creature clawed at Evelyn, a high-pitched frequency came from the radio, thanks to Emmett and Regan. Marcus then forced the creature to cower at the sound of the high-pitched feedback from the radio until he could reach the gun sitting on the table and fired a single headshot to kill the creature.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Baby Abbott was portrayed by twin infants in the Quiet Place films. The scenes with the twins were shot quickly in order to not cause harm to the babies.